Hi there!
It's been a while, but I'm back! I can't promise you anything though, as you probably know by now. I simply am going to try again. Start again.
A few things.
1 >> I went to Rome...
...and it was amazing. I've never had such a rollercoaster-like week in my life. I learned so many things and although it wasn't all fun, it is very likely to have been the best week of my 2016.
2 >> 'Love, Rosaly' has had a few updates...
I've added some colour, changed the layout, and you can now follow this blog on Bloglovin' by simply entering your email right above this post. Overall, I've thrown away the things nobody ever used and made it a bit more overseeable.
3 >> There's someting new...
Other than all those things, I've also added a new page: '
another year of words'. It's something I've been wanting to do for a while, and the start of the new year seemed like a perfect time to introduce it. Long story short; througout 2017 - whaaat?! - I'll be posting one word - and its meaning - every day - so that's 365 words, y'all. Ambitious right? I know. (If you want the long story, click here to go to the
'another year of words'-blog or the tab atop this page.)
And there you go, that's everything new for 2017. Now looking back.
I'm gonna be honest here. 2016 was a shitty year. Not just regarding politics and celebrity deaths, but also - mainly - regarding my mental health. My mental health is also the reason it has took me so long to get my lazy butt back at my computer and write something - anything.
2016 was the year I quit Day Zero. Because the stress of having to do so many things with so little time on top of my everyday struggles was just too much for my messy mind.
2016 was also the year I wanted to look back on without regrets. Well. I can't say I've succeeded, really. I do, however, have less regrets than at the end of 2015. That should count for something, at least.
It was the year I wanted to grow my hair healthily. In February, I exited my hairdresser's with a lob. Fail.
It was the year I wanted to be angry. I have mixed feelings about this. I feel like I have become more expressive of my feelings and thoughts towards people that matter to me, but I still regularly silent-scream and turn my agressiveness inward. But it's a start.
2016 was the year I wanted to stop being so scared of everything new. Fail. Absolute fail. I'm still scared of the unknown. More than ever, probably. But the thing is, I know that about myself and I've decided I'm not going to try and change it, because I think that would take me more effort than calming my nerves whilst immerging myself in the new.
It was also the year I conquered my anxiety, climbed to new happiness-heights, and allowed that same anxiety to pull me all the way back down. I got on an airplane FOUR times. To Copenhagen. Back home. To Rome. Back home. THAT'S something I am proud of.
'Twas the year my feelings and thoughts confused me more than ever before. My gut would go against my heart, and the other way around. And all the while, my mind would just sit there, dazed, staring at those two idiots fighting over yes or no, good or bad, happy or sad. I still can't get my head around it.
2016 was the ultimate rollercoaster-year. The ups were higher, the downs were lower. I went deeper into utter loneliness than I've ever been, but I also have had times were, for God's sake, I felt normal again. For the first time in Forever - cue Frozen music.
2017. The year I turn 17. We'll see what happens. I'll live through it.
Happy New Year, you lovely bunch.