Sunday, 10 January 2016


Hi there!

I know this blogpost was due AAAGES ago, but today I wanted to spend a little bit more time to explain to you my New Year's Resolutions for 2016. There is always a few people that do this each year, and usually I find those posts a little bit cliche and unnecessary. I find resolutions in general cliche and - most of the time - unnecessary. But this year, there are a few posts, this one in particular, that got me into thinking about how I - if I were to make up New Year's Resolutions this year - would want to change. What I found amazed me.

Saturday, 2 January 2016

HAPPY 2016!

Hi there!

Unfortunately I am one day late with this post due to lack of sleep and not being able to move from eating too much ;) I hope you had a fantastic Christmas - only 358 more days to go yay! - and also a very happy New Year's Eve.