Saturday, 2 January 2016

HAPPY 2016!

Hi there!

Unfortunately I am one day late with this post due to lack of sleep and not being able to move from eating too much ;) I hope you had a fantastic Christmas - only 358 more days to go yay! - and also a very happy New Year's Eve.

So it's now 2016. That's a weird number. It's a scary thought that it's been an entire year since I posted my 'Happy 2015' and started my Day Zero Project. Scary, because that reminds me that time can go by so unstoppably quickly, and that I'm already one year into Day Zero. I know that I haven't been posting a lot of updates lately, and that is mainly because I feel like the things I write about how / when I've completed those few goals every month aren't really interesting enough. I already have changed them from montly to quarterly, and I think I'm going to change that again, to 'whenever I feel like I have something interesting to say'. And that might be every month, maybe every two months, or maybe just twice a year. Point is, I don't want to feel like I have to make it interesting, which, in a way, I do, but I don't want it to become something I have to do, instead of something I want to do.

With that out of the way, I want to wish you all a very happy new year, and I hope that you can make 2016 your best year yet.

This year, I want to do more things that are way out of my comfort zone. There's a post on my New Year's Resolutions coming to you later this week, but I wanted to say now, that I want to make 2016 the year I look back on without regrets. Not: I wish I'd..., but: I'm so glad I...

This year, I really want to stick to my resolutions. I know that sounds cheesy, but I do. I am determined to. I'm going to remind myself of them every day, and remember why exactly I came up with them. Because I feel like this is going to be my year. Could be. Could not be.

But I do know, that in 2016, anything can happen.

Happy new year.


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