Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Museum Experience #1

Hi there!

A couple of days ago, I went to the museum with my dad. Something I usually hate. Seriously, I'm not a person that gets grumpy quickly, but if you take me to a museum, wow. I'll ruin your whole day, basically - no offense, that's just me - But. Me and my dad went to an exhibition in the Allard Pierson Museum in Amsterdam, an exhibition I had picked out myself. And miraculously, I didn't hate it. Not at all. I loved it. That hadn't happened before, believe it or not.

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Recipe: Salted Caramel Chocolate Cake

Hi there! 

I'm a bit late with this recipe considering the whole salted caramel hype was happening in Fall 2014... But still, this cake is incredibly tasty, wether that hype is already over or not.

Saturday, 21 February 2015

E.T. No Phone?

Hi there!
Ik ga even beginnen met zeggen dat ik inderdaad vandaag in het Nederlands schrijf omdat ik niet altijd even graag mijn hersenen uitdaag om in het Engels te schrijven, en ik ben een beetje moe vandaag dus tja.

Daarna wil ik mezelf excuseren voor het feit dat ik de laatste paar weken "offline" ben geweest. Geen enkele activiteit op Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest en wat nog meer. Dat is omdat het ondenkbare, de grote ramp voor iemand uit onze generatie, is gebeurd.

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Day Zero: January 2015

Hi there!
It's February 19 today (?!) and I still haven't written a single thing about the first month of Day Zero. Oops. Big, big oops.
But, better late than never, so here we go!
- Goals accomplished: 4 (and a third)

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Bloglovin' Trouble

Hi there!

As you may know - of course they know Rosaly, how else would they have gotten to your blog?! - I recently changed my URL from to but Bloglovin' did not agree. I needed to make a new profile for my blog where the correct username would be shown. If you follow me on Bloglovin' - and also if you don't :) - please search for - or find it here - and follow that one instead of the old one.

If this was too confusing, let me know haha.

Leave a link to your Bloglovin' page below and I'll check it out!


Everyone is Charlie Hebdo

Hi there!

I think that we have all heard of Paris. Not Paris, the city of love, but Paris, the city of Charlie Hebdo. When I heard what had happened, I was shocked. I had never imagined a form - any form - of terrorism happening so close to home.

But it came even closer.