Saturday 7 November 2015


Hi there!

It's a bit late, but, as the calender shows another next month - NOVEMBER, WHAT?! EASTER WAS LIKE... YESTERDAY?! -, here are my October Favourites:

My apologies in advance for crappy quality, but the colder months inevitably come with less light and my camera is not a big fan.

As it was Halloween on the last day of October, I threw a last-minute Halloween party for a few of my friends. As I'd never done this before - we don't really celebrate Halloween in Holland - I freaked out a little bit because all of a sudden I had to transform my house into a spooky hideaway. I had precisely 48 hours, including time to sleep, do homework and go to school, so I think a little bit of stress was allowed. Anyhow, the one thing I could think of in a short period of time was: carving pumpkins. So I dragged my exhausted self to the supermarket, scored a beautiful pumpkin, went home and carved my precious pumpkinny. And she turned out perfect.
Meet Quinn:

As y'all might have heard / read sometime in the last month, I went to Paris for a week - recap coming soon-ish. I had been there before, but Paris never fails to make me fall for her every single damn time I visit. Nuff said.

In Paris, it's not an option to ignore the shopping opportunities. Should time allow it. So, when we were let loose just a few dozen yards from the Galeries Lafayette, we had no other desire than to get lost in the enormous building, scavenging for bargains, trying on hats and glasses, only to walk out empty-handed, smelling of twenty-seven different high end brand scents.


This time was different. This time, we didn't get lost, but lost each other. This time, we never touched any of the hats or the glasses. Or the scents, for that matter. This time, we didn't walk out empty-handed.

'Cause I bought a mother effing deep blue scarf. And I luv it. Very much. Not only is it unbelievably soft and warm, it is also one of the most fashionable and cute and beautiful scarfs I have ever owned in my tiny humble life.

Now that Halloween is over    :(

and Christmas is on it's way     :)

I am torn between the two of them.
That's why in this Favourites I don't feature one, but two lipsticks, one perfect for Halloween, the other perfect for Christmas. They're matte, non-crumbly, easy to apply and full of colour. I am talking about the HEMA matte lipsticks in colour 14 (a deep purple) and 16 (a bourgondy red). No other words than love love love.

You might have seen this one before in my birthday haul, but I kinda feel the need to adress this to you once more. Elizabeth Arden. I absolutely love everything in their range, but especially this scent - Elizabeth Arden | Green Tea Lavender - gives me shivers and makes my nose intensely happy everytime it reaches my nostrils. Okay, cut the crap, no more poetical descriptions today, but seriously. This scent is ah-ma-zing.

This next thing was also featured in my birthday haul, but for the same reason, appears again today. A Work In Progress by Connor Franta. I expected something completely different from what it actually is, but that could be explained by the fact that I - believe it or not - have never read a memoir before. Nevertheless, I think it's absolutely amazing, it's so inspiring, comforting and refreshing at the same time, I was completely blown away. It's not one of those books that you finish in one breath, unable to put it down to take care of yourself, but that doesn't matter. It's not supposed to. It's one of those books that you pick up every once in a while to read a chapter, and it will always leave you with new insights, making you question every bit of your life - in a good way. I could go on for hours, but I really don't have time for that ;)

Lastly, before I turn to my homework once again, this tote bag. My dad gave it to me; he didn't want it. There's nothing super duper special about it, except for the fact that it's ten times as firm as the ones I already own. Which is very convenient for when you have only two very heavy books to carry to school. Too little to put in your usual schoolbag, to heavy to put in a linen tote bag. Well, not anymore.

For some reason I really enjoyed writing this post - more than usual - and I hope you enjoyed it also. Let me know if there's anythings that you would feature in YOUR October Favourites that I should definately try out, or tell me what you thought of some of the things I featured today.


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