Sunday, 12 June 2016

Q&A #1

Hi there!

In the months that I took some time off, I've gotten several requests to do a Q&A, and although not many people - read: NONE - actually commented on my Instagram post asking for questions, I've managed to collect some questions that people have been asking me since beginning this blog and I hope that my responses will answer some of your questions too? This is getting too complicated for my lazy-Sunday-mind.


What camera do you use to take photos?
Depends, I mostly use my dad's old camera for flatlays, favourites, outfits etcetera, but for Instagram and when I go away, I usually just take my iPhone 5S. The qualities are similar and sometimes a phone is just way easier to take with me.

Are you going to start up a YouTube channel?
Yes!!! I've been asked this question a lot and I really really want to, I've actually already filmed some videos that I've been editing, but I want to be happy with the content before I decide to upload my first video - because, yaknow, first impressions and such - so KEEP YO LIL' EYES PEELED.

Are you good at drawing?
NO. Drawing is one of those things I've always wanted to be good at, but I actually am compeletely useless at. Trust me on this one. The - in my eyes - best drawing I ever made was of a zebra and my mum thought it was a birthday cake. Not kidding. It's that bad.

What is your favourite piece of clothing at the moment?
Eesh, that's a hard one. Probably my black Shawn Mendes hoodie. It's incredibly soft and comfy and I've lived in it for the past few weekends. I know, #fashionista. I'm also loving my heeled black boots, although I don't think that counts as a piece of clothing. Does it? Dunno.

Number one on your fashion / beauty wishlist?
Another hard one. I do have an endless fashion wishlist as well as an endless beauty wishlist, but they're not really in order... *Starts scrolling through notes* My fashion one is probably an over-the-knee skirt - what do you call those things? Maxi skirts? - for when I go to Rome in October, because you can't wear shorts in cathedrals. Oh and I really need myself some new dry-shampoo. If you know any good ones please leave a comment!!! 'Cause I bought a really expensive one and it absolutely sucked... :(

What's on your bucket list?
Do you want the entire thing or just one of them? Because my bucketlist is actually called '100 things to do before I die'. If you'd like to read the entire thing, let me know, I'd be happy to write a post about it ;)

What blogs do you read?
This may surprise you, but I don't actually read that many other blogs. I'm worried that in doing so I'll kill my own inspiration. Mabye not so #relatable but yeah... Although I do like to scroll through Zoë's blog as well as Hannah's and Niomi's. I know these are probably the main YouTubers-with-blogs but on a boring inspirationless Sunday, reading their newest posts is an absolute no-brainer. Luv dem.

What makes you happy?

Where do you want to go?
I would love to visit Santorini one day - #cliche - and I would also very much like to go to Iceland. Both of their landscapes are completely different yet insanely beautiful. I've named those two, but basically anywhere in the world are pretty places to discover so I don't think there's much of a top three for me. Traveling in itself is amazing enough already, no matter the destination. Not much more to say on that topic.

What is the most important life related decision you have made so far?
Oh wow, #realdeeprealquick. On a serious note though, I think that the most important decision I've made in my life so far was to go see a therapist to help me with my anxiety / panic attacks. I wish I could say that I told her about my depression as well, but I still find that incredibly hard to admit to anyone. However, I'm so pleased to say that I'm 99% positive that that decision was the right one. My panic attacks were still in an early stage and with the help of my therapist I now know exactly how to prevent them from happening to me. It takes a lot of will power to actually speak up and ask for help but I'm so glad I did because I cannot imagine what I would've had to go through if I hadn't asked for help. It obviously doesn't solve everything, but it has made my life so much better on the anxiety-topic.

Name one thing you want to achieve in your life?
This might sound a tiny bit selfish, but the one thing I want to achieve is to be happy. It's been a very long time since I was able to look at my life and say: 'Yeah, I'm happy. I'm content with who I am and where I am.' I want that feeling back. If, on top of that, I can make other people happy as well, I'll be able to die happily.

Favourite singer at the moment?
DAMN, that's hard. Ariana - Grande - is absolutely killing it, but there's also this band called the Vamps - no, I have not become a crazy ass fangirl - that has some really kewl tunez. I might have danced an entire weekend with their music on full blast. Not sorry.

What is your biggest fear?
Open water and drowning. Don't ask me why.

How are you?
Currently doing fine, thanks :) Although there have been happier times in my life, I think I'm slowly getting things back on track. Fingers crossed I don't trip.

Lipstick or eyeliner?
Eyeliner. Without a shadow of a doubt. Even though I absolutely love myself some pretty lipstick, if I compare my face with only lipstick to my face with only eyeliner, imma have to go for eyeliner.

Have you ever been in a friendship triangle? If so, how did you deal with it?
Oh yes, I have. Not gonna lie, it can suck. For any ignoramuses out there, a friendship triangle is when you're friends with two people who are also friends with each other and it's not really an option to hang out with both of them at the same time. OK, here we go. In primary school, I had a best friend with whom I would hang out pretty much every single day, until this other girl came along. At first, me and my 'BFF' were both friends with her, and we'd hang out with her separately, until I realised that my best friend had a new best friend. I was young, and she probably didn't intentionally hurt me, but in my eyes, that b*tch stole my best friend. And that hurts, dammit. I would regularly talk to my mum about it, conversations that would usually end up with me relentlessly crying until I fell asleep in her arms. At one point, I even talked to my teacher about it, but she kind of waved it away, like it wasn't such a big deal. I was on my own and felt horrible. I couldn't do anything or say anything because, well, in the eyes of others it wasn't really that big of a problem. Apparently. So I watched my best friend get a new best friend. When I went to secondary school, I was happy. New school, new people, a new best friend. And I got myself a good one. I've promised myself it'll never happen again, and so far, it hasn't. I realise now that back then, I was too scared to talk to my best friend instead of to somebody else, but I know that if I had, the last few years of primary school would have been a lot less miserable. So my advice would be not to talk to somebody, but to those two people that are on the other side of this situation. Maybe they feel the same. You never know.

Any advice on starting a blog?
I'm not really an expert, I was fourteen and ignorant when I started mine. There's no way your blog will be at its best at the very beginning. It's a process of learning and I think everyone has a different way of doing so. So I guess I'd say you have to find what works for you. Don't look at others, but do what you want to do. And always, always be yourself.

If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?
A cat. Eat, sleep, cuddle, repeat.

Who is your favourite YouTuber?
There's not really one that is my absolute favourite, there's too many haha. But the ones I watch most are probably the Sugg siblings, Zoë and Joe - aka Zoella and Thatcherjoe.

What is your favourite candle?
Oh god. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh. No idea. I have a few, and it's really hard to pick a favourite, because they're all so different and I love all of them. But, as for a brand, I always really like the Yankee Candles and Urban Outiftters has some really nice ones too.

Do you have a favourite bathbomb? If so, what is it?
I'm so bad at answering these questions... Again, not really a favourite, but I tend to use more extravagantly coloured ones, because I feel like the plain ones are a little bit boring. The Experimenter from Lush for instance has four colours and a surprise in the middle ;)

Do you have any siblings?
No, I do not. And I don't know wether I'm happy about that or not. There have been times that I've been happy to be the only child in my family but sometimes I wish I had a brother or a sister.

If you could leave tomorrow with two one-way tickets, where would you go and who would you take?
I'd go to Indonesia and take my best friend Mila. We both have roots there and we sometimes fantasize about how amazing it would be to go together.

What is your favourite make-up brand?
No idea. I'm in no way a make-up expert - as you probably know. I use different brands for different things and I don't really have one brand that I stick to. I basically just try different things and re-purchase the one that I found worked best. I hope that kind of answered the question :)

What's your favourite TV-series?
Castle. It's an American detective series with Nathan Fillion and Stana Katic. The last episode aired a few weeks ago. I cried. Yup.

If you could dye your hair any colour without anyone judging, what colour would you pick?
I'm not really the person to dye their hair a bold colour, but I'm really curious to see what Victoria - Inthefrow - 's lilac hair would look like on me. Not that I would have the courage to actually go for it, but, you know. Daydreams.

Latest purchase?
Last Sunday I went to the drugstore to get something for my mum and after that I thought 'Why not pop into HEMA as well?'. Bad idea. I spent about 20 pounds on things I don't actually need, expanding both my notebook collection AND my postcard collection. I just like making lists and sending people birthday cards, okay?

Favourite song at the moment?
I have two, if that's okay with you. One of them is Last Night by The Vamps. *starts singing* 'Wake up in the morning with the sunlight in my eye, no my head don't feel so bright, what the hell happened last night?' The other one is Kill Em With Kindness by Selena Gomez. That is one helluva song, jeez. I could dance to that all day and night. Loving the whole new album as well #sorrynotsorry.

Imma stop here, because otherwise this post is gonna be three pages long and I don't think anyone's gonna finish reading that. But if you do still have questions, feel free to leave them in a comment down below, and I'll answer them in Q&A #2.

I hope I answered some of your questions and that you now know a little bit more about me, and I guess I'll see you next week.



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