Saturday, 28 March 2015


Hi there!

Now since one of my favourite things to do seems to be procrastinating, I only write this now. In March. For your information, it should've gone up somewhere at the end of DECEMBER 2014...

Anyways. Today I want to show you something I have been working on for the last three months - uhu, sure... - and that is my memory box. A memory box basically is a collection of things that have a meaning to you, put together in a box that you seal with cellartape - or I did anyway - and then, years later, you are allowed to open it and you'll see all those things that you haven't seen for years and you'll probably cry. That just was the longest sentence ever, wasn't it. Oh well.

Only thing is, that there's a few things I put in there, that at some point I thought I had lost. I literally couldn't find them anywhere and then I was like: right, now I remember, I put them in my memory box! Gonna try to avoid that in the upcoming years ;)

I also have 'Not opening my memory box' as a goal in my Day Zero Project, which actually helps me not opening it, because if it weren't for the fact that I "have" to accomplish it, I would probably open it after 6 months, maybe even less. I'm really not making any sense today, I'm sorry, but I just wanted to share this thingy with you :)

How do you treasure your most beautiful memories?


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