Wednesday 6 May 2015


Hi there!

Guess who's back, back, back, back again?

I'M SO SORRY for not uploading anything in the last weeks! I was ill and the flu was kind enough to leave me with a massive headache that lasted another week... Anyway. As I missed the start of May, instead of spreading them over two posts, I'll just throw my favourites and Day Zero from last month right at you. LESGO!

Agenda - Hema
I know it's kind of a weird thing to love your agenda, but I have to say, since I made myself clean it out and keep it tidy, I've noticed that I am a lot less stressed. I'm not entirely sure - it might be the weather - but I think that cleaning out your agenda and just clearing your head in general really reduces the level of stress. I no longer have to worry wether I have to go somewhere or not because one look in my agenda and there they are, neatly written down on the lines, all the appointments I have that day. It's great. #geek

Shoes - Bitter
As my grandma is getting older and older, she is always keen to give me something and to buy me icecreams and that sort of thing. When we were walking in the supermarket the other day, she looked down to my shabby Converse and she asked me if I needed new shoes. I hesitated, but she insisted and ten minutes later we walked out of Bitter - a very posh shoe shop -, both in posession of brand new shoes. I haven't actually worn mine yet, I have just been staring at them because oh my, they're gorgeous. Just sayin'.

Font: Josephin Sans
You might have noticed that my blog has had another make over and now looks waaaay more minimalistic which I really like. But with a new lay-out comes a new font and these days it's hard to find a font that is not already used by tons and tons of bloggers. I don't know wether there are a lot of blogs that use this font, but I couldn't find ANY, and I felt like it really fitted in the new lay-out as well. Everybody happy - I just wrote everybodey, shame on me -

The weather
Yes I am indeed going to talk about the weather right now. Not because I don't know anything else to talk about, but just because it has been so incredibly nice the last couple of weeks. You must know that here in Holland, as soon as the sun comes out, we all run outside and go practically naked just to absorb some vitamin D. Well, I think I have had more vitamin D than I have in the entire winter. Honestly.

Well, the blogpost regarding Day Zero April will be very short because I didn't do anything. I have come to realise that just now. Great...


I redecorated my room. Not completely finished it yet, though, so I don't know if I can count that. Hmmmm....

Anyways, I think imma go now, I'll see you soon - hopefully, if I don't get struck by the flu again -

What have you been loving this month?


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