Saturday 19 September 2015


Hi there!

I know it's been a long time since I've done one of these so I thought I would take my cup of coffee and ridiculously delicious granola bar to my computer and get myself to update y'all on my Day Zero Project :)

SO. I haven't done as much as I had hoped to do in the summer holidays, but still, there is a few things that I've rounded up concerning Day Zero.

005 || Get 'Girl Online' by Zoƫ Sugg
If you've read my last post, you will already know this, but I got this book for my birthday a few weeks ago. I haven't started yet, because I have to hurry up with the book we have to read for school - I'm really not that far yet, and the deadline's in two weeks... - but I've heard so many good things about it and I cannot wait to read it.

007 || Get 'The Pointlessbook' by Alfie Deyes
Woah, surprise, surprise, this one too, yes. I faintly remember me buying this somewhere in May??? Oops. I also posted a picture of it on Instagram on that same day, so why I didn't include it in my Day Zero update of May 2015? No idea.

Oh yeah, now I remember. Because there wasn't one. #lazyforlife

039 || Cook a complete three course dinner for at least five people
Okay, here's a funny story. I like to cook. I do. So naturally when my mum asked me to cook for her and her friends for her birthday, I replied: 'YEAH! Duh.' Whether she asked me because she wanted to impress her friends with her daughter's cooking skills or just get to scurry me into the kitchen every time they wanted to discuss 'adult stuff', I don't know. But it was fun.

073 || Help a stranger
I'm going to take the word 'stranger' with a pinch of salt here, because I helped someone from school with whom I'd never really talked before. Does that count? I'd say it does because I helped him out BIG TIME. Basically, getting from the place where we have PE back to school is approximately a ten minute drive. If you have a bicycle. He didn't, so he had to walk. He isn't in my class, but he is in my year, and well, helping someone has never hurt anyone, has it? - It probably has but let's not pay attention to that right now... - So I gave him a ride back to school and we ended up chatting about super random stuff. So it counts, great!

092 || Try the L'Oreal Paris Casting Sunkiss Jelly
So this was kind of an impulsive thing. I had promised my friend - and myself - that I would go to the hairdressers to get a haircut and to dye my hair. Yes I actually thought I was brave enough to do that at that point. Turns out, I wasn't. I made the last minute decision to be a shitty little wimp and just get a haircut. But, promises aren't to be broken, and so I raced off to a local drug store to buy some hair dye and make my mum do it. Story of the wimp continues. As I was standing there with two packets of blonde hair dye in my hand, questioning my sanity, I decided my mother would never do as good a job as my hairdresser and so I put the packets back onto their shelves. That was when I remembered that this goal was on my list and I thought that this way, I didn't have to worry about the colour not suiting me, because it would gradually turn lighter, and I didn't have to worry about my mum either, because this would be something I could do myself. It also felt a lot less permanent, if you get my point. It worked out great, but there's a review coming soon, so keep yo eyes peeled for that.

095 || Wear no make up for two weeks
This wasn't that hard seeing as it was the summer holidays and I usually don't bother to apply make-up when I don't go outside or meet up with anyone. If you can do the math, yes, I am that pathetic.

SO. That was everything for this post, I really hope you enjoyed reading it? Kind of? No? Okay.


ALSO. I woke up this morning to 100 followers on Instagram. THAT'S INSANE GUYS THANK YOU SO MUCH TO EVERYONE WHO FOLLOWS ME ON THERE!!!!!!!!
- and if you don't, here's a link: PINEAPPLE - All of the photos featured in this post are also from my Instagram.

Anyways, I'll catch you guys later.


1 comment:

  1. u Must know me cause I am very Lovely And all.29 September 2015 at 20:19

    Nice post, sweetheart ❤. May I ask, WHO IS THAT RANDOM PERSON?!
    Sorry, I just read it and immediately was very curious, sooo ;).
