Wednesday, 3 February 2016


Hi there,

On January 10 I posted a short piece on my 2016 resolutions. Since then, there has been a radio silence. Truth be told, I'm not doing so well. I am not going to bore you with the details but basically, I am on the edge of falling back into that deep, dark hole that I climbed out of with such difficulty a year ago. This isn't one of my proudest moments, but I need to get things back on track and I need to do that without having to worry - because that's what it has become - about wether or not I have a post ready for this weekend.

My life has become so busy that I have this constant feeling of having to do so many things but having absolutely zero spare time. I'd rather quit one of the other parts of my life, but since quitting school or my training isn't possible, this is my only option. I really don't do many other things beside school and this blog, but time at school goes so slow, and homework takes me ages these days. I feel like I am constantly working, working, working and even though I am doing my best to take care of everything, my to-do-list keeps growing. Weekends flash by in what seems two or three seconds. Before I can get to actually sitting down and thinking how nice, I don't have to do anything at all for the rest of the day my Monday morning alarm goes off. I'm running through the days as if I'm on a treadmill, my head working overtime on school stuff. The only time I seem to have left to think about other things - like Love, Rosaly - is late at night, if - no, not if, when - I can't sleep. And then there's an Instagram account, a Twitter account, a Facebook account, a Snapchat account etcetera etcetera to maintain, which only adds to the feeling of impotence. Furthermore, the homesituation / friendsituation is a bit wobbly as well, which does the exact opposite to boosting my confidence. All my doubts and worries about myself are creeping their way back into my head and I need to stop the fuckwits - excuse the language.

That's why I've made a decision. A decision to try and take away some of the stress I'm living right now.

I'm taking a break.

A break from blogging.

Don't worry, this doesn't mean you will never see me here again, I'm coming back, too - that's part of the deal. But, just for a month, I want to be able to not have to worry about the lighting at all and just be able to focus on getting myself back on track - and away from the edge of the deep, dark hole. I'll be back in no time with my February Favourites, but until then, my laptop stays shut. I do want to try to keep up the instagramming and tweeting and snapchatting and whatever else kids do these days, but Love, Rosaly just sucks up so much of my time. So make sure you follow me on all the social media platform thingies - links here.

Aaand, I have literally nothing else to say.

So goodbye. For now.


EDIT: Sooo, it's now March 2nd and I still don't think I'm quite ready to get back to blogging... I'm slowly crawling back up and pulling myself together and I just feel like having a blog to run isn't going to help that process a lot, if not make it more difficult than it already is. So. I'll see you guys. When I'm ready. When I'm happy.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you're getting better soon! Don't stress yourself too much. If you're doing your best then that's great enough. Wish you all the best luck <3
