Hi there!
I still cannot quite believe it, but it's already April. April. The past three months have literally gone so fast. It feels like only yesterday that I fell off the stairs trying to reach the bathroom - +1 if you remember that one ahum ahum... -
But today I would like to show you some of the things I have been loving this month.
Blueberries Handcream & Bodylotion
There are a few things that I have been using more frequently - beautywise -, but my absolute favourites are without a doubt the Yves Rocher Blueberries Handcream and Bodylotion. They smell absolutely AMAZING - I know I say that about a lot of things, but there are just a lot of things in this world that smell so. good. - and they make my skin and my hands SO soft and smooth and that is great, especially when it's that typical winter weather that dries out your skin completely.
Series: Chasing Shadows
doesn't have anything to do with beauty, but I recently started - and
finished - watching 'Chasing Shadows'. It's a series about an awkward
and unorthodox man called Sean Stone that ignored procedure in a certain
case. He is permanently seconden to Missing Persons Bureau, where he
now works together with Ruth Hattersly, an analyst for Missing Persons.
The series only has four episodes, but they're all bloody good and with a
lot of suspense.
I had to read this book for school, and usually they give you crappy books that you think are for children, but this year things got a little bit more serious. The Goldfinch turns out to have 864 pages in a very small font, so it needs time. But if you actually take that time to read it, it's a beautiful book. I wouldn't say it's a happy book, but it's beautifully written, and the story keeps you in its grip from the first chapter. I'm not going to say anything at all about the storyline, because it's hard to do that without giving things away ;)
Perfume: Yves Rocher Rose Absolue
My mum gave this to me a couple of years back, and since then it has just been standing in my cupboard waiting to be used. But, to be completely honest, I was never a person to use perfume in the first place. When I smelled it a few weeks ago - just out of curiosity - I realised it actually smells really nice and familiar. It's one of those perfumes that makes you want to jump on to your bed with a good read and a cuppa tea.
Rose Petal Martini Candle (Urban Outfitters)
Next up is candles. I love candles. Not just in Autumn or Winter, but the whole year round. I got this candle from a friend as a late birthday present, and it smelled so good that I was afraid to light it. But, when all my candles had burnt up, I was finally 'ready' to use it and man, I don't regret it. It smells of... Well. I guess just rose petals and martini.
Song: Any Other Way by Daniela Andrade
I don't really know wether to include songs in my Montly Favourites, because well, what is there to write about songs? I just felt like I had to this one time. 'Any Other Way' is one of those songs that give you all sorts of feelings and make you happy and sad at the same time. It might not always be good for your mood, but it certainly is worth listening to.
Rose gold rings
Last one: the rose gold rings. Rose gold apparently is a thing nowadays, because you see it EVERYWHERE. I like it, tho. Anyway, I needed some new jewelry for Christmas - yes, it's that long ago :) - and when I saw these I just thought that I would be able to match them with any outfit because they are quite neutral. I cannot say I have worn them alot, but when I wear them, I always find they look really pretty.
What have you been loving in March?
Last one: the rose gold rings. Rose gold apparently is a thing nowadays, because you see it EVERYWHERE. I like it, tho. Anyway, I needed some new jewelry for Christmas - yes, it's that long ago :) - and when I saw these I just thought that I would be able to match them with any outfit because they are quite neutral. I cannot say I have worn them alot, but when I wear them, I always find they look really pretty.
What have you been loving in March?
Nice things and photos;)