Sunday 6 December 2015


Hi there!

As I said in yesterday's post, I had a Holiday Reads finished and ready to go up, but my father didn't allow me to take a few photos in good lighting and instead took me to Waterstones where we got lost in tons and tons of books. But, today I managed to snap a few good ones of my ADORABLE Chrismassy flat lay, so here it is: my Holiday Reads.

Firstly, I'd like to explain what I mean when I say Holiday Reads. Holiday Reads to me, are books that are perfect to snuggle up on the couch with on a cold rainy winter day, with a cup of herbal tea and some homemade goodness. Books that you read sat by the fire, wrapped in a cosy blanket. Books that lay on your bedside table to read late at night with a hot water bottle when you can't sleep. And here are a few of my favourites.

The first book I would grab when in one of the situations listed above, is The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion. I absolutely love this book and it's sequel; The Rosie Effect. It's funny, heartwarming, embarrassing at times and beautifully written. I know that I featured The Rosie Effect in my November Favourites as well, but I mention it again now because I love this book SO. MUCH. It's my number one favourite book at the moment, and I think it's going to be for a while.

Next up is a book from a bit of a different genre, but also one of my all time favourites: Finders Keepers by Stephen King. I am absolutely obsessed with Stephen King's books, and when I saw this sequel to Mr. Mercedes in the bookstore, I nearly choked. I have to say that the beginning is quite tough to get through - just like Mr. Mercedes - but when you do make it to the fifth chapter, it's so worth it. The tension is incredible. I've had moments where I literally had to force myself to put the book down because my heartbeat and breathing were going crazy. One of the most tensive books I've read in a long time. Also the mystery of the story itself keeps you busy, I can guarantee that.

Another book that I really like for winter, is Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. Now I know that it's set in the spring / summer, but the story is just quite basic and romantic which I personally really like. If you're having kind of a down day, and you don't want to read something as tense and complex as Finders Keepers, this is perfect. The story itself isn't too complicated, you don't have to keep your brain awake to understand what is happening, which is very good for late at night before you go to sleep or early on a Saturday morning.

The next book I want to adress, is a Dutch one. I don't know if there are any translations to English, might you want to read it, but for the Dutchies, this is real gem. It's called April is de Wreedste Maand, and it's by Rindert Kromhout. The moving story is partially based on true events, and takes place in England. The book is very well written, it's quite slow, but I assure you, it will leave you with tears in your eyes. The story evolves around a young girl whose aunt - Virginia Woolf - dissapears, and the way it is described and how memories and past is sketched is absolutely beautiful. Must read for anyone who can read Dutch.

This next book I haven't actually read yet, but I very much plan on doing to this holiday, and that is A Year of Marvellous Ways by Sarah Winman. I've heard a lot of people talk about this lately, and when I saw it in Waterstones yesterday, I couldn't not buy it. The story is about two people, an old woman and a young soldier, who meet and quickly an unusual friendship forms between the two. The vibe remined me a little bit of Hugo, the film by Martin Scorsese, I don't know if you've seen it, but basically very calm and slow, and I think that I'm going to LOVE it.

The last book I wanted to talk about today is All The Bright Places by Jennifer Niven. I've had it on my wishlist ever since I saw a favourites video of Zoella, in which she mentioned it. The book is about Theodore and Violet, two people who are both in a not too happy place, and there's a line on the front of the book that basically sums the entire thing up: 'The story of a girl who learns to live from a boy who wants to die.' If that isn't intruiging, than I don't know what is.

Those are all of the books I am going to be reading this winter, I hope you enjoyed reading this post and maybe even got some inspiration out of it, and I will see you tomorrow with another day of blogmas.


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