Friday 18 December 2015


Hi there!

As you may - or may not - have noticed, I didn't upload a blogpost yesterday. Today's blogpost is kinda cheating because I'm going to explain why that was.

I was busy. So incredibly busy.

It's a shitty excuse, but unfortunately, it's true. Yesterday was our school's Christmas gala, and throughout the entire day - 6am to 7pm - I had exactly 4 hours to bake an apple pie, buy a mask - it was a masked gala, called 'Hidden Faces'; super fun, but a little less convenient in my planning - and get ready - aka curl my hair, which takes at least two hours, do my make up, and find some wearable tights.

And boy, did that cause some stress. I was freaking out from the moment I woke up right up until the moment I was done with everything and stepped out the door, having made sure I hadn't forgotten a single thing.

When my alarm went off at 6am, the panic started. Get up, wash my hair, get dressed, do my still unfinished homework and rush off to school. When I got out of school at 1:45pm, I raced to the supermarket, bought some apple pie mix, apples - duh - and cinnamon. Then I went home, got the dough and the filling for the cake done as quickly as humanly possible, meanwhile creating a kitchen that looked like it had been hit by a tornado - sorry mum and dad. I managed to get the pie in the oven by 2:30, setting an alarm for an hour's worth of oven intermezzo. One little problem. The pie was to come out of the oven at 3:30, but I had to be back at school at.. yes that's right, 3:30...

Before I was going to have a panic attack - I know myself well enough to know that I would have one if I didn't solve the MP soon - I messaged a friend of mine asking her if she could tell the teacher I was going to be a little late. Thank the heavens, she could. Then I had an entire hour of doing nothing. Which annoyed me shitless because I knew that as soon as the hour was over, I would be a frickin stressed chicken again. WiFi was dead, no new books to read, I was bored. What do I do when I get bored? I think. What do I do when I've thought about everything relevant? I overthink. And then I stress.

At 3:30pm, the alarm rang, I sprinted to the kitchen, took the apple pie out of the oven, put it in the bag that I had prepared beforehand, grabbed my coat and ran outside. I arrived at school just in time, actually a little bit late, but there were more people who were late, so it didn't matter that much. When we finally finished at 5pm, I ran downstairs, forgot my scarf, ran back upstairs, found my scarf, ran back downstairs and jumped on my bike. Back home. Dropped off uneaten - ! - apple pie. Rushed to the Party House. Got lost. Found my way to the Party House. Bought a decent mask for an undecent price. Raced back home. Got back home at 5:30 pm, leaving me one hour and thirty minutes to get ready. I left the house at 7:13pm and didn't come back until 2:24am this morning.

And that's the reason I couldn't upload a blogpost last night.

Oh, fun fact, my best friend Mila and her hopefully-soon-to-be-but-it-is-complicated-boyfriend Daan were voted King and Queen of this Christmas gala.

Fun times, ladies and gents, fun times.

I hope you understand my situation - because we've got quite a situation here ;) - and I will see you tomorrow for another day of blogmas!


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