Wednesday, 2 December 2015


Hi there!


Well, this might not be a very big surprise, as I've already announced this on Twitter AND Instagram, but, it is nevertheless exciting to now be uploading the first (should've been second, yes then Rosaly, great start) post of BLOGMAS 2015.


Maybe not all of you peeps know what blogmas is, hence why the first post is completely dedicated to explaining the entire thing. #LAZY, I know.

So, to get to the actual point of this post. Blogmas is the blogger equivalent for a phenomenon that appears strangely often when December comes closer. I am sure you have all at some point in your life heard of it. Yep, you know what I'm talking about, it's vlogmas. The simplest explanation is that they vlog everyday of December all the way up to the twenty-fourth, aka Christmas Eve. As vlogs usually go up a day later than they were filmed, you have vlogs from the second of December up to the twenty-fifth of December. As I myself do not own a good vlogging camera, nor have I a proper YouTube channel, I thought it'd be fun to make up something called blogmas. Now I'm pretty sure this already exists, this is, after all, the internet, but it's guna be fun anyway.

So, starting today, I am uploading a blogpost EVERY DAMN DAY for the rest of December. Might even continue until New Year's cuz why the heck not. Now please don't be hard on me when I miss a day, I do have a social life outside of the internet and I also have a stack of homework I still need to do.

ANYHOW - I say anyway way too often - I am really excited and I hope you are too! If you have any suggestions for Christmassy blogposts or things you want to see, please leave your ideas in the comments down below ;)


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