Wednesday, 16 December 2015


Hi there!

As I'm kind of a cooking fanat - you know all about it huh - I thought that I would start a sort of 'series' of three blogposts in which I give you my recipes for my version of classic Christmas day food! That means breakfast, lunch AND dinner! With today the first part, breakfast.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, giving you energy for a good start. If on Christmas day, you're not having an extra Christmassy breakfast, you're not setting off on a very good foot ;)

So, this is my semi-healthy Christmas breakfast!

What you will need for one person:
- 60 grams of shredded buckwheat
- water
- 100 ml of milk
- 100 grams of fruit - I took red fruit for the Christmas effect, but you could also use banana or whatever you want / you could also add more fruit should you want to ;) -
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon
- maple syrup / honey

What you're going to do:
Step 1: Put the buckwheat in a saucepan and add a little bit of water, just enough so the buckwheat absorbs the water and it doesn't 'drown'. Put it on medium heat for about five minutes, keep stirring and add water every time you feel like it's getting a little too dry.

Step 2: After five minutes, instead of water, add milk. Keep repeating that for ten minutes, every time it gets too dry, too sticky or too wallpaper glue-like texture, add a little bit of milk and KEEP STIRRING.

Step 3: After ten minutes, take the porridge off of the stove and let it cool for a bit.

Step 4: Add the cinamon to the buckwheat porridge, stir, pour in a bowl and finish with the fruit and a little bit of honey / maple syrup.

And you're done!

I really hope you enjoy, and if you remake this for breakfast - or for lunch - please do let me know via Instagram or Twitter - @rosalylastname - and I hope you enjoy your evening!

See you tomorrow!


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